Sunday, May 5, 2013

Apple Nachos

Sometimes when I hear about an idea, I think to myself, I can't believe I never thought of doing this. These apple nachos are one of those ideas. It's so simple and healthy, but feels like a true dessert. I made these for a recent neighborhood party and they were a hit. The apples didn't turn brown, and they were out for a good hour, so no need to add lemon juice to prevent browning. Three large apples was plenty for a group of about 12-15 adults as an appetizer, but I make individual plates at home with 1 regular sized apple per person. Adjust the size as necessary.

Apple Nachos
adapted from this recipe on Manifest Vegan

3 large apples
3 Tbsp natural nut butter
1/4 Cslivered almonds
1/4 C walnuts
1/4 C coconut
1/4 C raisins
1/4 chopped dark chocolate

1. Slice the apples and arrange on serving dish. 
2. Melt the nut butter and drizzle it over the apples. 
3. Top with the above toppings or whatever else you think would taste good. 
4. Sit back and take the compliments for this super easy dish. 

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